Discovering your calling

Calling is a vocation. It is the identity of a person for everyone was called to perform a certain task in the world. Everyone has gifts and talents in him or her but the spirit is one. (1 Corinthians 12:4-11). You have to position yourself on your calling. Our calling is in God himself. (Acts 17:28). When you are called then you have a special task to perform. (Genesis 12; Exodus 3)
How to discover your calling?

The following steps can help you identifying your calling:-
1. Be connected by:

• Being a good and faithful Christian
“Not all the keys can open the door, only the specified key can.” As Christians we sometimes find the short cuts in life and forgetting that we have a specific task to do. Failure to do so you find yourself not succeeding but after recognizing your specific task you find yourself succeeding. The task that make you successful it is the specified key to open the door of success.

Sharpen your sensitivity
Risen to the voice of God and be ready to change accordingly. Ask God in whatever you are feeling to do, and how to do it.

2. Do what you have in your hands
3. Allow yourself to have a mentor


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